
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Right Choice

“He has no real world experience,” “He can’t be trusted to lead.” All of those quotes are real things I read and heard after I announced my decision to run to be the Representative for House District 20 in Great Falls. However, my answer to those people is maybe I haven’t been around as long as my opponent, but I have been around long enough to know two things: what we are doing is not working, and my opponent has show time and time again that he is not fit to lead. The world is full of hatred and negativity-especially in the world of politics. There is not one person who can radically bring back civility and compromise to the world of politics, but lately it seems as if nobody is willing to try. The same goes for my opponent as he has shown how time and again he is willing to promise one thing and do another without even debating or listening to the other side. Take Montana Senate Bill 72 for example, my opponent had given his word to the Great Falls Fire Fighters that he would at...