A Dream Come True

The beauty of Montana and the beauty of America is that it allows for everyone to write their own story. Take a minute to think of another place where someone with my background can run for office. Today, more than ever I feel blessed to even have the opportunity to run a political campaign in my hometown. Today, I checked another box on my journey after a brown box showed up at my front door. I hastily opened the box, and inside were signs that had my name on it.
For some, they dream of seeing their name on the screens of movies or screamed by thousands of fans. For me though, I have always wanted to see it on a yard sign and on a ballot. Now, that dream is a reality.
I took a little hiatus from writing due to events and some planning but I am ready to get back to workkeatonsunchild@gmail.com, or calling Hickory Swing at 452-9400.
and have some good news to share with everyone. This summer, on July 13th, is the 1st annual Swingin' For Sunchild golf tournament at Hickory Swing Golf Course. The tournament is going to be held at night, and will be the only night tournament around! We will start taking registration forms right away, and you can sign up by emailing keatonsunchild@gmail.com, or calling Hickory Swing at 452-9400 or click here.


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