
2016 was ugly. 2016 did a lot of things for American politics going forward. Most importantly, it drove the divide in America even greater. Now, in 2018, it is up to us to repair the damages and start to move forward-together. Part of my campaign will be listening to everyone, and hearing what each and every person has to say, regardless of party. As hard as it is for some to admit, sometimes the other side does have good ideas. America was not founded on the idea of having one voice or one-party rule everything. It was built on the idea that we would work together for the people, and put their best interests first. When I am making phone calls or sitting in a town hall, I keep an open mind and do not just write off half the population for the sake of party.
Now, let me be clear, I am a member of the Democratic Party, and will continue our hard work of fighting for the working class, healthcare, and equal rights. I just want to shake the stigma that, I would not work with my colleagues. The work we can get done together far outweighs the work that just one individual could accomplish in the same amount of time. Together we can, and we will rebuild our aging infrastructure, help fund our schools, and ensure that everyone has the healthcare they deserve. After all, if we are truly a state of family values, then we will make sure that no family has to worry about the roads they drive on or the fact that they will have to sell the house if either of the kids gets sick. We value families by making sure mothers have guaranteed time off to give birth. We value families by providing presumptive health care to our firefighters. We value our families by recognizing our special needs society members. 
If we work together, not just in 2018, but from this point forward because if we commit to working together then we can continue the never-ending task of perfecting our union. There will be setbacks and false starts, as progress has never moved in a straight line-it moves it fits and starts. The moment we are at in 2018, is a moment that will define a generation. As long as we seize this moment together, then we will see change sweep across our great state, and it starts with us. 
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