
The Right Choice

“He has no real world experience,” “He can’t be trusted to lead.” All of those quotes are real things I read and heard after I announced my decision to run to be the Representative for House District 20 in Great Falls. However, my answer to those people is maybe I haven’t been around as long as my opponent, but I have been around long enough to know two things: what we are doing is not working, and my opponent has show time and time again that he is not fit to lead. The world is full of hatred and negativity-especially in the world of politics. There is not one person who can radically bring back civility and compromise to the world of politics, but lately it seems as if nobody is willing to try. The same goes for my opponent as he has shown how time and again he is willing to promise one thing and do another without even debating or listening to the other side. Take Montana Senate Bill 72 for example, my opponent had given his word to the Great Falls Fire Fighters that he would at...

Winners and Losers

The United States of America is not a place of hate. We are not a place where we restrict what can or cannot say. We were founded on the idea that " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This includes even the people that you do not agree with. Too often we live in echo chambers where we can only hear the things we want to hear, and we base fact on opinion rather than opinion on fact. We have to work on including the other side in our debates and opening ourselves up to serious democratic debate. After all, that is what our founders intended.  I know that it is widely accepted that former NFL Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, is protesting or disrespecting the military by kneeling during the National Anthem. However, he himself has said that such...

A Dream Come True

The beauty of Montana and the beauty of America is that it allows for everyone to write their own story. Take a minute to think of another place where someone with my background can run for office. Today, more than ever I feel blessed to even have the opportunity to run a political campaign in my hometown. Today, I checked another box on my journey after a brown box showed up at my front door. I hastily opened the box, and inside were signs that had my name on it. For some, they dream of seeing their name on the screens of movies or screamed by thousands of fans. For me though, I have always wanted to see it on a yard sign and on a ballot. Now, that dream is a reality. I took a little hiatus from writing due to events and some planning but I am ready to get back to, or calling Hickory Swing at 452-9400. and have some good news to share with everyone. This summer, on July 13th, is the 1st annual Swingin' For Sunchild golf tournament at Hickory Swi...


The hard work of democracy is now ready to be carried on by the most educated, diverse, and tolerant generation this world has ever seen. We did not get here on our own, however. It took hard work from our family, and our friends, but also our education system. Never before has our education been so important. In this fast-paced 21st century economy, education, and not just any education but a great education, has never been so important. Good schools do not just spring up out of the ground, they are funded, are well maintained, and serve as a place for growth-not constraint. Great Falls is lucky to have some of the greatest teachers that the nation has to offer, but those teachers can only do so much when they are having to pay for a large part of supplies out of their own pocket. And by the way, they can no longer claim this as a tax write off. In addition, most teachers come to school early and stay late, working for free, all so that their students have the best environmen...


While on the campaign trail, it is one of my priorities to listen more than I talk. If I can listen to the voters and really hear and take in the issues that are meaningful to you, then I can better understand what it is that I can do for you. I think that this is a lesson that everyone can try and do better on. If we all can agree to listen more than we talk, that is when compromise happens. I had the privilege to attend a quick coffee get together today with a few voters and hear the issues that are important to them, as well as other things they like and dislike about our community These types of meetings are my favorite because the ideas of everyone in the room creates dialogue and discussion that furthers progress, rather than see it stall because of differing views. By listening to what people have to say rather than telling them what I have to say, I connect with you, and have the ability to then move in a direction that I may not have seen without hearing your pers...


2016 was ugly. 2016 did a lot of things for American politics going forward. Most importantly, it drove the divide in America even greater. Now, in 2018, it is up to us to repair the damages and start to move forward-together. Part of my campaign will be listening to everyone, and hearing what each and every person has to say, regardless of party. As hard as it is for some to admit, sometimes the other side does have good ideas. America was not founded on the idea of having one voice or one-party rule everything. It was built on the idea that we would work together for the people, and put their best interests first. When I am making phone calls or sitting in a town hall, I keep an open mind and do not just write off half the population for the sake of party. Now, let me be clear, I am a member of the Democratic Party, and will continue our hard work of fighting for the working class, healthcare, and equal rights. I just want to shake the stigma that, I would not work with my collea...

A New Beginning

This past Friday marked our second fundraising event and the start of the 2018 election season. Friday offered me, and my team to get out and talk to new faces, as well as get out our message to the people of Great Falls. Our silent auction was a huge success, a huge thank you to the local businesses who participated! The biggest hit of the night had to be our heads or tails raffle; shoutout to our winner Lani Porter. Thank you all for your support, none of this would be possible without you. With your support, we have been able to start designing our yard signs and will begin to print them in the coming weeks. Following Friday's festivities, I had the great privilege to travel down to Helena with other Democrats across the state to the annual Mansfield-Metcalf Dinner. It was an honor for me to be able to meet many of the nation's finest leaders in Helena. The night provided me with a new level of energy going forward. I was honored to meet our Governor Steve Bullock and ou...